Standard Installation

This project may not be perfectly stable at this moment and may require modifications to get the installation to work. Hopefully in the near future we will create a stable version to accompany the unstable rapidly developing version. We provide three semi-stable ways to install gym-os2r for reinforcement learning.

  1. Pip Installation.

  2. Singularity Container.

  3. Superbuild Installation.

Ignition Gazebo Installation

Required ignition gazebo version can be found in the Support Policy. Please install ignition gazebo following binary installation instructions on the ignition website (Installing from source also works but is unnecessary).


It maybe be necessary to add the following to your bashrc.

export IGN_GAZEBO_PHYSICS_ENGINE_PATH=${IGN_GAZEBO_PHYSICS_ENGINE_PATH}:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ign-physics-5/engine-plugins/

To add it you can simply run the following code.

echo 'export IGN_GAZEBO_PHYSICS_ENGINE_PATH=${IGN_GAZEBO_PHYSICS_ENGINE_PATH}:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ign-physics-5/engine-plugins/' >> ~/.bashrc


If you had an old version of ignition installed prior you might need to remove the config folder: Ignition should create a new one the next time it starts.

mv $HOME/.ignition $HOME/.ignition_bak

If there are still folder errors, try to create the folder yourself

mkdir -p $HOME/.ignition/gazebo/6

Pip Installation

pip install git+

Superbuild Installation

The super build is a convenient way to build all required packages from source. The superbuild provides a bash script which is then sourced to access all the components outside the superbuild. It is necessary to install a lot of the dependencies manually to use the super build. The complete superbuild dependencies list for every build option and additional info on what the superbuild is can be found here.

To use superbuild to compile and build the simulation only option please install all dependencies listed for simulation only following the instructions Simulation Only. Building the simulation only superbuild.

cd <Install Dir>
git clone
cd os2r-superbuild
cmake --build build

Now to access the superbuild components you need to source the superbuild environment.